Blog 4: Excelling in building a Digital Brand

On Monday night last, 28th of November, our Lecture in digital marketing Steven Ryan at Corks Institute of Technology, invited Doreen O’Mahony from Laya Healthcarcaptureliyvoive to speak to us on the dynamic changing digital marketing world for their company and others today.

Firstly, Doreen spoke about when she firsts joined Laya healthcare,  social media was not the norm. Not a lot of emphasis had beenplaced on social Media/ Digital Marketing in early 2009. When large campaigns were only beginning to create Facebook page. Doreen’s first objective she told us was to set a business Strategy that would guide them into the digital age.

The strengths of the Laya Healthcare Digital presence

We got a great insight into how Laya Healthcare Market their business online and the importance of customer’s relationships, placing it at for front of any business to succeed.
Doreen spoke of the fantastic customer service and knowledge there call center has for taking care of patient they wanted to create a similar approach with members area online.

In 2014 they launched a fantastic new application known as ‘GPLine’, this allows people to speak to a professional doctor on the move and also receive prescriptions.
When the digital era begin and it became the norm for big business to join Facebook and Twitter for example. Laya Healthcare revamped their website so it was more consumer friendly and saw 51 percent of sales were online, in comparison to 49 percent over the phone.

Compared to organisations who are excelling in the digital era

1.  CoCa Cola: is still a dominate product in the soft drinks industry this is due to its fantastic digital marketing stagey.

  • The Product is Family orientated. Combing the feature of love and togetherness as seen in numerous advertisements they produce.
  • Coke is no longer just a soft drink, it now creates an emotion, its happiness. Seen in many of their television adds “Open happiness”.
  • Coke has a broad and ever expanding target market in comparison to Laya healthcare market. The Product line for coke is beginning to expand further, therefore attracting new customers. Laya Healthcare try and attract new customer with their new feature as mentioned “GPLine”.
  • A key aspect to any Digital marketing plan which coke do so well, is constantly reminding the customer about their brand.
  1. Starbucks:
  • Starbucks Rewards: the firm’s loyalty program, continues to grow. The firm now has 12 million active loyalty members in the US, a 16% growth from the same period last year.
  • Starbucks Mobile APP: customers are using the mobile app frequently24% of US orders were paid via Starbucks’ mobile app in Q1 2016, compared to 21% in Q4 2015. The firm plans to add personalization features and other incentives to further boost mobile purchasing in 2016.
  • High mobile app usage could be driving some of Starbucks’ same-store sales growth. Mobile app users spend three times more than the average Starbucks customer, according to The Wall Street Journal. It’s likely that increased mobile app purchasing was responsible for at least a portion of the store’s ticket growth, which drove overall same store sales.



Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Hope you enjoyed it.


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Blog 3: The Echo Chamber and its impact on how people consume Social Media

Photo Credit: Caitlinym88

Hello everyone, and welcome to my third blog post, this week I will be talking about “The Echo Chamber and its impact on how people consume media”

Echo Chamber 

Firstly for those of you whom may not of hear of the term before“ Echo chamber” In media today “an Echo Chamber is a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission and repetition inside an “enclosed” system, where different or competing views are censored, disallowed or otherwise underrepresented”


I am going to use Brexit as an example to describe the Echo Chamber,  as this summer just gone, that is what engulfed my Facebook/twitter news feed.

To begin I would ask people take a good look at your news feed, what do you see? Unfortunately, with the last thousands of years and more fears of inequality, immigration and the establishment were all there, just not on a social media platform for the entire world to see.

Facebook Analytics 

But, nowadays with the use of Facebook analytics by liking and sharing certain ideas interest Facebook will only begin to show you what you like and begin to disregard the opinions of others create an almost unrealistic social media bubble for ourselves.
For example, during the time of Brexit, How many times did you see people support leave in your news feed? By filtering it out, we became even more divided. Our Facebook feeds polarised the debate. When the vote had passed, Protests ensued and the majority of people were shocked with what had happened? After the result I did a lot of searched online through facebook/twitter to give me a better insight to what had just happened (Similar to the USA elections, I imagine polls in the near future will be never believed again.) Back to my point, I assumed everybody I knew was as shocked as I was.

Facebook saw what I “liked”, built a profile for me and kept serving up what I wanted to see. This algorithm is what makes Facebook the addictive monster it is. Brilliant for keeping me in the loop with my interests, disastrous when it comes to politics. (An idea algorithm for business online today, we see less from our friends and more from business we engage with.)

I had to work hard to unearth my long lost friends from school, College and travelling aboard for a year on Facebook who had decided to vote Leave. If I saw their posts, I wouldn’t have tried to change them, but I would have the chance to relate. Why should an algorithm filter out the real views of people I care about? Instead of an active debate, we were stuck in our own echo-chambers, sharing the same point of view, liking it and thinking the job was done.

Social Media Bubble 

Last week we were given the fantastic opportunity to have a live Q&A session in Corks Institute of technology with Caleb Gardner organised by Zahid Aslam.

Caleb spoke on how different media outlets overall influence our perception on a given topic.capture

He raised some interesting points such in relation to echo chamber, Caleb told us how he is a big believer in how the universe creates similar patterns witch relate to similar macro and micro levels within physics for example if you zoom in to a leaf on a tree it creates a very similar patterns like a forest, this is what the universe does. Now, if we were to extract to human behavior Caleb said, people being civil to each other one to one has a lot of insight how we can be civil online. One to millions or millions to millions. We have to find good ways to create good dialogue online.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Hope you enjoyed it.


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